Oh and ascendant anything is pretty much worthless and useless in PF as everything above the Alpha tier will neck you. But the more you play and the higher loot tiers you get the more you can survive the immanent terrors and threats that were bullying you earlier on. In the beginning you'll have absolutely nothing and you'll die a lot, like a lot a lot. Not all creatures have a PF counterpart and not all creatures that have a PF counterpart in the easier stages have one in the harder stages. The creatures come in tiers that can range from "a little stronger than your average Dodo" to "omfg this creature has ascended past god itself".

The amount that the mod itself adds makes it look and feel like a whole different game. I enjoyed it a lot and I'm sure that anyone who likes a bit of a challenge and the amount of power that you can achieve over time would enjoy it to. I played it for a solid 6 weeks and got a whole lot done in that time.

I was in a short spree of playing servers and i came across a PF one. I mainly play on the windows 10 and Xbox One versions of the game but I have played Steam Ark. I just wanted to know what everyone's opinion is about the Primal Fear mod and its expansions (if you haven't played it then this doesn't apply to you).